Should You Invest in Coliving Spaces? w/ Johnny Wolff

Investing in the US Podcast

Should You Invest in Coliving Spaces? – w/ Johnny Wolff

We have a hot new topic to talk about today: coliving! Join Johnny Wolff and I as we talk about modernized coliving, investing in coliving facilities, the benefits of coliving on both ends of the spectrum, and more.

Johnny Wolff is the CEO and Founder of HomeRoom, one of the fastest-growing coliving companies in the United States. HomeRoom makes it easier for renters to look for short-term housing and, at the same time, provides an avenue for investors to find renters in a more structured set-up. While coliving is not a new concept, HomeRoom has transformed this type of housing into something more accessible, more harmonious, and ultimately—more profitable.

Johnny walks us through the concept of coliving and how his company maintains standards in roommate set-ups. He also explains how companies like HomeRoom influence the sharing economy, as well as what coliving accomplishes for the average U.S. renter. And, of course, we talk about how he and his team choose where, when, and how to invest in perfect properties for coliving.

Coliving is a new take on the boarding house concept, and HomeRoom is one of the few companies that involve investors in the equation. If you want to learn more about coliving, how to invest in a coliving property, and the benefits of coliving (for both renters and investors), click ‘Play’ now.


  1. You don’t have to own things to be happy.

  2. Coliving allows people not to be stuck in one place.

  3. There is generally natural accountability that comes with a shared living set-up.

  4. There is a lot of money in the sharing economy, especially in housing that is a current dire need.



The Coliving Model: How It Can Potentially Increase Your Income as a Multi-Family Operator or Investor with Johnny Wolff


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